• Need Assistance? Business Number: 866-414-6632 Email: info@AgentsofHealinghomecare.com
  • 2999 Kendall Drive, Ste. 204, Post mailbox 1145, San Bernardino, CA 92407
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Engaging Activities for a Loved One With Dementia


Dementia is a general term for several diseases characterized by memory loss and the impaired ability to think, communicate, and make decisions. Over time, dementia can interfere with a person’s life. Hence, it’s important to spend meaningful time with a loved one who has dementia. As a provider of assisted living care in California, we will share a few engaging activities you can enjoy with your loved one:

  • Browse old photo albums.

    Visual aids like photographs can help people with dementia regain a sense of personal identity. Create a scrapbook of old photos together or browse through old photo albums to create a sense of familiarity and comfort.

  • Listen to music together.

    Music can help individuals with dementia reconnect with their past. Similar to companionship in California, listening to music helps reduce agitation and anxiety. Music can also encourage engagement and self-expression to help your loved one cope.

  • Perform household chores.

    Performing simple chores like setting the table or organizing the closet can help a person with dementia feel included. A home health aide in San Bernardino County can assist your loved one with chores to give them a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

  • Go for a walk.

    If your loved one enjoys the outdoors, go for a walk to provide an opportunity to be in nature. A stroll can improve their physical health and provide opportunities to socialize with neighbors and loved ones.

Agents of Healing Homecare LLC is your go-to provider of high-quality and reliable home care assistance in San Bernardino, California. If you need help caring for a loved one with dementia, you can count on us. Set an appointment to discuss your loved one’s care needs.


Blogs, content, and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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