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  • 2999 Kendall Drive, Ste. 204, Post mailbox 1145, San Bernardino, CA 92407
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Nurturing Appetites in Your Senior Loved One


Many seniors, particularly those with decreased appetites, find mealtimes challenging. It’s more than just the food; it’s the entire experience.  At Agents of Healing Homecare LLC, we, as a provider of home care assistance in San Bernardino, California, understand the significance of proper nutrition for our clients.  Because of that, we want to share some tips to transform mealtimes into delightful moments that nurture both body and spirit.

Eating alone can be a drag. Sharing a meal with a friendly face can make all the difference. If you have a loved one who lives alone, consider joining them for meals whenever possible. Even a short chat during their lunch break can brighten their day and encourage them to eat more.  Our compassionate caregivers can provide companionship in California, ensuring your loved one has someone to share mealtimes with, even if you can’t be there.

Sometimes, physical limitations can make meal prep and eating difficult. Here’s where a little mobility assistance can go a long way.  Our home care assistance can help with tasks like grocery shopping, preparing meals, and setting the table. They can also offer assistance with getting to and from the table, making mealtimes less stressful and more enjoyable.

For seniors with dexterity issues, using utensils can be tiring.  Consider offering finger foods that are easy to grab and eat. Think cheese cubes, cut-up fruit, sliced vegetables with hummus, or mini sandwiches. These can be healthy, and delicious, and require no utensils, making mealtimes a breeze.

Presentation matters! Take the time to arrange food on a plate in an appealing way. Use colorful fruits and vegetables, and add a sprig of fresh herbs for a touch of elegance. You can even play some upbeat music to create a cheerful atmosphere.

If you’re looking for assisted living care in California to help your loved one with mealtimes, or any other aspect of senior care, Agents of Healing Homecare is here for you.  Contact us today to discuss a personalized care plan and ensure your loved one enjoys healthy, happy mealtimes!

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