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  • 2999 Kendall Drive, Ste. 204, Post mailbox 1145, San Bernardino, CA 92407
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Strategies for Preventing Family Members from Falls


Safety is always a priority. And it should remain highly considered at home. Implementing measures to keep loved ones from falling at home is a practical necessity and expression of care and well-being.

Begin by conducting a thorough home assessment, identifying potential hazards such as loose rugs, slippery surfaces, or poorly lit areas. This proactive approach allows for targeted modifications to create a safer living environment. With our home care assistance in San Bernardino, California, we can help address safety issues at home.

While our personal caregiver in San Bernardino County can help supervise and manage safety at home, having home enhancements can be considered a good investment. Install handrails and grab bars strategically in areas prone to slips, like bathrooms and staircases. Ensure adequate lighting throughout the home, particularly in hallways and stairwells. Well-lit spaces contribute to better visibility, aiding family members in navigating their surroundings safely.

Promote regular exercise routines tailored to improve strength and balance. Foster open communication within the family regarding any mobility concerns or challenges. Creating a supportive environment where family members feel comfortable expressing their needs contributes to a collective effort to prevent falls.

Incorporating these proactive strategies into the daily fabric of home life not only safeguards our loved ones but also cultivates an environment where everyone can move freely and confidently. Give your loved one the same feeling of comfort and support through our companionship in California.

Are you still looking for trusted assisted living care in California? Come meet our team. Schedule an appointment at Agents of Healing Homecare LLC to learn more about the care options available to you.

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